olar govan regional water system bill payment portal
water payments
14978 lowcountry highway
olar, south carolina 29843
      *Required Field
      Payment Information

      Note: If the amount you are paying is not the total balance due on your account, including any past due amounts, late fees, service restore fees, and/or administrative fees, your service may still be interrupted on or after the 25th of the month.

      If your services have already been interrupted, the amount you owe may not reflect on your recent invoice. A total of $50 was added to your account when the services were interrupted.

      Before your services will be restored, the total amount shown on your plus the $50 service interruption fees must be paid in full before services will be restored.

      Please allow up to 72 hours after making an online payment for this payment to reflect on your account.

      If your services have been interrupted and you pay the entire balance plus fees in this payment, it may take up to 72 hours to reflect in our system and for someone to come out to restore services.

      If you have an emergency and need your services restored immediately, please contact the Town Hall at 803-368-5055 and leave a message or speak to someone to have your services restored.

      Before services are restored however, your payment will have needed to clear your bank and is available for automatic deposit into the town's financial account.

      (### - ### - ####)
      Payment Amount

      Billing Information

      (enter the full card number without any dashes or spaces)
      Accepted Card Types